In December, the organizers of TED challenged the ad industry “to create ads that people would like so much that they’d like to share some with their friends.” And, I think they got the message that they have to do better to be better. Watch here.
We all have to be like the people at TED and let them know that we won’t put up with their worthless dribble anymore. To quote Twisted Sister, “No! We're not gonna take it! No! We ain't gonna take it, anymore!"
Sure, we’ve accepted that virtually EVERYTHING around us is trying to sell us SOMETHING, but now we are insisting that the ads are meaningful; that they don’t make us feel more stupid for having seen them. And, maybe, the ads might even make us feel more intelligent by teaching us something, making us think, enlightening us, or at the very least, entertaining us.
“It time,” quoting Rage Against the Machine, “yo, we gotta take the power back!” If we don’t like your ad, we’ll tune in to someone else’s ad.
When I watched these videos, I was blown away by the creativity and meaning behind some of these ads. Some would be great in the classrooms for those inferring, predicting, visualization sort of lessons, and for critiquing media, and endless other uses.