- If the lesson plan is in French (gasp!) and so are the text books! (Oh, boy!) - Look for the English version that many teachers leave out and hope there be a friendly teacher neighbour who can give you the gist of the plans. Or, in older grades, ask a student:)
- Many French teachers frown on using a translator program, such as Google translate, for various reasons: It’s kind of like cheating, i.e., it does all the work; it often doesn’t give the correct word order… and those teachers can tell… they really, really can! Hmmm…. but, that’s what I use! My instruction to the class typically went something like this, “Make your sentences in English, first, and then try translating.” Here’s another idea… tell the students to type in the French sentence the way they think it should be. The english translation will tell them how close they were!
- Here’s my Christmas (Noel) Version: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9BTUQ4Bns7z0YI5ZrKKXEYkKuNTEYBoN
- French Popular Music (for middle school) — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9BTUQ4Bns7wzygEJLq_lYnW9Hv_eOn4j
- French Music for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9BTUQ4Bns7wHIFRxpjE4nSC545SUXL80
- Here’s a cool musical group: La goutte avec paroles du groupe Swing - https://youtu.be/7ywEETsPQuA?list=RD7ywEETsPQuA
If all else fails:
I always carry various French crosswords, or even some meditative colouring sheets. And, I gather these when I am in french classrooms!
- And here's a video I made when I covered grade 4/5 french for multiple days....
- And, don’t forget about the French language option with English subtitles (depending on the students’ level) on DVDs. I usually carry a Scooby Doo DVD and let them watch it in French. Shows that they are familiar with in English and have a predictable plot line work well!
- Transforming Learning Everywhere (TLE) - If you have access to the Computer Lab or iPads, etc.:
- QUIA - https://www.quia.com/shared/french/
- Digital Dialect, French Language Games - http://www.digitaldialects.com/French.htm
- French Games - http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics
- Tres Bien French - http://www.tresbienfrench.com/en
- French For Life - http://www.frenchforlife.ca/students-games-and-learning-activities.cfm