The reason why I love teacher candidates is because of the learning opportunities that they provide, like little refresher courses. Think about it; they are coming straight from teachers college where they are learning all sorts of new strategies for keeping students engaged and motivated, for classroom management, as well as fun and informative lesson plans. Further, they come into schools armed with all the current educational jargon that guest teachers often have trouble keeping up with as we are often not privy to on account that we are the ones covering classes when the teachers have PD.
Further learning opportunities – Priceless.
And, I’m not being greedy, here. I share my neat ideas and resources with the teacher candidates, and offer advice to them. Plus, I know when I was the teacher candidate (way back in the day) I enjoyed the odd day with a guest teacher because it felt like some of the pressure was off – they are not the ones evaluating; it was sort of more unofficial. And, as I further remember, any little break helps in those busy and stressful times! An encouraging teacher who is not evaluating – Priceless.
Here’s the bonus… Guess who benefits the most?
The students, whom all of this education business is about anyway! Indeed, whenever there is an extra body in the room, extra help (in the form of a certified teacher) is available to the students who could do with more than what can be provided for them on a daily basis. I am often able to work one-to-one with students who could do with an E.A. in a perfect world but do not have one, or with small groups of students. I have found that with some of these students, it means the world to actually be able to finish their work and to actually earn free time. Let’s face it – a lot of students are never able to do this and they couldn’t even do it if their lives depended on it. So, to be able to help a student succeed, even if just for one day…
In summary, the reason why I love teacher candidates is that they are Awesome!
When a guest teacher enters the classroom to find a teacher candidate preparing for the day – Priceless.